
kjklaurent would like to share a photo.

'00 infp filo

Conditions & Terms

byf i tweet in tagalog and english, curse a lot,
barely participate on hashtags, sometimes ia bc of
acads, selective fb but you can dm me, sb to unfollow,
i have my mentions filtered so if you're not my moot you
can dm me if it's something important
dnf basic dnf criteria, has fonts, under 13, gg stans,
ygngg stans, company stans, dds, kyuphobics,
yg stans (unless i followed you), YHS apologists


likes music, kdrama, kyuhoes, sports, food
dislikes kyuphobics, dds, yge, cupcake stans,
mnet, hot weather
tw/cw nsfw, sexual assault, war